Saturday, 12 November 2011

"Write-a-Fairytale" Contest - Results and Photos

The results are out! THG appreciates the efforts of the writers, many in the midst of PSLE preparations. We hope they enjoyed the interactive play with their families, especially Sean Lim who got to be the King for the day.

The winning stories will be published in the next couple of issues, in no particular ranking. Do read Noel's The Booty and the Beast, Rachel's Ellen - Cinderella Remix, and Matthew's It's Your Choice.

A word of thanks to parents, Pui Yee and Mee Yee for helping judge the contest.

Prize winners and their families at the play "Sleeping Beauty"!


The Homeschool Gazette (THG) is a platform dedicated to nurturing homeschoolers as writers, and all-rounded savvy communicators as the...