Sunday 5 January 2014


The Homeschool Gazette (THG) is a platform dedicated to nurturing homeschoolers as writers, and all-rounded savvy communicators as they explore multiple media in the digital age. THG connects the community as students embark on joint projects to write, produce videos and podcasts.

Through editorial features, regular columns and contributed articles, THG showcases original work by homeschoolers as they research, interview, analyse and report.

THG hopes that families in the community will be informed, enlightened and in a small way, encouraged in their homeschooling journey. To offer the writers, words of encouragement, constructive feedback, or any comments, email to If you would like to contribute a piece of writing, do contact THG for the recommended submission guidelines.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Issue 2

THG has gotten a new look! Which look do you prefer? Vote in the mini-poll on the right hand side of the page! :)

In Issue 2, THG takes a look at the preparation homeschoolers did for the PSLE this year. Some of the students and moms share their thoughts and experiences from the PSLE. THG also covered the recent homeschool events such as the Homeschool Sports Day and Homeschool Fun Fair. The results for the THG Write-a-Fairytale Contest are out! Winning entries will be featured in the next couple of issues. 

Also inside: Our international correspondent informs us of what life is like in Cairo, Egypt. Learn how to bake delicious cookies, admire the work of a young aspiring artist, and enjoy the many poems penned by our budding poets! 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Issue 1

THG is launched on 9 August 2011, as our nation celebrates its 46th birthday. This year, homeschoolers attended their first National Education Show, and THG joins them as they recollect the experience. Singapore's Presidential Election is also held in August. Five youths learn together what it means to elect the person to fill one of the highest offices in the land.

In Issue 1, THG takes a look at what homeschoolers have been up to as they talk to the Straits Times, and as some participated in June's Debate Camp. Find out who THG interviewed in A Chat With... and The Roving Reporter.

So come along and vote with us as THG conducts a little poll to predict the next President. Test your body's fastest respond rate in Reaction Time, and write your best story to send it in to "Write-a-Fairytale" Contest.

Friday 30 March 2012

Redwall Project

By Noel Fong

After a while of pondering, I decided to become the Redwall Armourer.
First of all, I would like to give credit to my mother and my father. My mother suggested using cardboard for my shield. My father helped me to get the grey duct tape for the handle of “Ratdeath” and the paint that was used to paint the shield of Martin.
This is how I made the shield and the sword. The first step was to find materials. I managed to find one of those long plastic pieces that are used to cover the corners of glass. I found a hacksaw, which I used to painstakingly saw the plastic in a certain way to form a long blade. This piece of plastic served as the backbone of my sword blade. Realizing that the blade was kind of flimsy after I had sawed it, I decided to support it by adding a few metal chopsticks in the middle. Then, I taped the whole blade up with transparent tape. My blade had been completed! My next step was to form the handle of my sword. I used one of the plastic pieces that I had sawn off, to separate the blade from the handle, then taped it with duct tape, which my father had brought me out to nearby stationery shop to buy. My handle was wrapped with grey duct tape.
My shield was made up of cardboard, which had been cut out from a cardboard carton. I had cut out an “m” from another piece of spare cardboard, and had stuck it onto the front of the shield with glue.
This assignment has been very fun and I look forward to doing projects like this in the future!



Whoosh! The sea gulls dipped, and descended upon the sea,
Whoosh! The seagulls swooped into eye view of me,
Whoosh! Glided down did they, in the wild sea breeze,
Peering into the waters, preparing for a feast!

I glanced down from my perch, into the deep blue shimmery,
Whoosh! A school of silver sisters surged past me,
Whoosh! Menacing beaks began a feeding spree,
Whoosh! The hundred sisters then became three!

My eyes drifted to the horizon, and I started to see,
A trio of beings flopped and floundered in the crystal sea,
Feet of ducks, skins of seals, fuel strapped on backs;
they were an aberration to the natural scenery.

Whoosh! In a flash, the sea hit my sailboat and sprayed me in glee.
Whoosh! The seagulls screeched my way, breaking my reverie, 
The creatures approached, ravenous they be,
Whoosh! My form jolted down to shield my crackers and brie, but in my haste
Whoosh! Into the dark abyss, dived my soothing Jasmine green tea.... TO ITS DOOM

By Noel Fong

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Ian Tay - Writer's Profile

My name is Ian Tay. I like to play soccer, badminton, listen to music, play FIFA on the computer, reading, and surf the internet. I have a younger brother called Elliott. I am a die-hard fan of Star Wars as I love science-fiction. I know almost everything about Star Wars. I can imitate different accents very well. E.g. Indian and Mainland Chinese. My pet peeves are karaoke music and any type of music I consider noise. 

Friday 2 December 2011

My PSLE Experience - Priscilla Fong

by Priscilla Fong

I would say that PSLE is a journey. However, most parents and children think it to be a chore. Well, for me, I had a pretty good start and thought that I will just whiz through PSLE, not knowing of all the ‘trials’ and ‘irritations’ I would have to face (:

All went well until May – July. I started to get really stressed then. Having tuitions after tuitions almost every day, I was feeling frustrated and annoyed. 
The last 2 – 3 months, which my parents claimed were going to be the most ‘not stressed’ months as I was only going to revise, turned out to be my most horrible and gruelling months I ever went through. I started getting headaches and almost slept every afternoon (wasting around 2 – 3 hours of my time) and it happened that I usually got the headaches when I was doing Mathematics and Chinese (: 
My mood then was like a roller coaster. I gave up easily and usually could not persevere. I felt tired, pathetic and really annoyed (: I remember my father telling me that he supported the government in letting homeschoolers take the PSLE. “After all, it gives all homeschoolers a chance to endure and persevere during their 12 year old year.” I always heard him say. Then, I would always say to myself, “What? You actually support the government while your daughter suffers! Why don’t you try studying for this exam and see how horrible it is?” 
My older sister who has gone through the PSLE also told me, “If I had a chance now to sit for PSLE, I would sit again!” And again I was feeling so annoyed. I mean, they wanted to take PSLE! Why don’t just take my place and let me enjoy? Now, I totally see the truth of their words (well at least I think so) =D  
After months of continuous perseverance, the first day of PSLE paper finally arrived. And it just so happened that I had a headache that day. And it also happened that my sister could not find her pencil the previous night and took mine (together with my eraser). Guess what! I totally forgot to put my pencil and eraser back. Thankfully, someone had an eraser and since that person was sitting in front of me and I knew him, he broke his in half and gave one half to me. As I said, I also forgot to bring my pencil. But, thankfully another guy which I also knew had extra-s which he could lend me. 
After a week, PSLE was over. It was a glorious day. Now, all 12 year olds all waited nervously to the next obstacle – collecting the PSLE result.
24-11-11 dawned bright and sunny (though the weather did change).  I did not dare to show any sign of nervousness when we arrived at the place to collect my results. We took the lift to the 15th floor and entered a room. Fear engulfed me. My older sister was videoing everything and becoming hyper and to put it in another way, embarrassing. She was much more excited than I was to find out my PSLE result. I sat there with a calm, yet blank look on my face. My 3 younger siblings were jumping about. My father was wearing a confident smile on his face. My mother was folding her hands and praying. My older sister, yes, she was acting totally embarrassing. However, she still could be very comforting even though she went wild with joy and even wanted to play the hallelujah chorus on the violin (which she had forgotten to bring, haha =D)  My mother impatiently asked, “What is the bench mark this year?” The lady replied, “194 marks.” Then, the lady announced to my parents, “Your child has cleared the bench mark.” I was happy and smiled. My embarrassing sister was by now screaming “YAHOO!!!” My mother was about to cry and my father was still smiling. I am glad that I managed to pass, it is indeed His faithfulness. I had, I think, a hundred pats on my back and my back nearly got sore. However, passing the bench mark is not the most important thing, as long as someone tries his best, thumbs-up! All glory will be given to God for it is not by me and my own intelligence that I am able to score well and pass the bench mark. This all was definitely His doings. 
Although I had other homework to catch up with, I was totally grateful that God had been faithful even though I had not and still do not deserve what He has given me. Everytime I feel like giving up, there is someone in my family who would come and encourage me. I also feel very fortunate to have parents who can lead me through that whole journey. Since my family a gift from God that money can’t buy, this is definitely His grace on me. I also can proclaim that His faithfulness never fails. 


The Homeschool Gazette (THG) is a platform dedicated to nurturing homeschoolers as writers, and all-rounded savvy communicators as the...