Friday, 30 March 2012



Whoosh! The sea gulls dipped, and descended upon the sea,
Whoosh! The seagulls swooped into eye view of me,
Whoosh! Glided down did they, in the wild sea breeze,
Peering into the waters, preparing for a feast!

I glanced down from my perch, into the deep blue shimmery,
Whoosh! A school of silver sisters surged past me,
Whoosh! Menacing beaks began a feeding spree,
Whoosh! The hundred sisters then became three!

My eyes drifted to the horizon, and I started to see,
A trio of beings flopped and floundered in the crystal sea,
Feet of ducks, skins of seals, fuel strapped on backs;
they were an aberration to the natural scenery.

Whoosh! In a flash, the sea hit my sailboat and sprayed me in glee.
Whoosh! The seagulls screeched my way, breaking my reverie, 
The creatures approached, ravenous they be,
Whoosh! My form jolted down to shield my crackers and brie, but in my haste
Whoosh! Into the dark abyss, dived my soothing Jasmine green tea.... TO ITS DOOM

By Noel Fong

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